I love DirectDemocracyS

DirectDemocracyS is the political organization, innovative and alternative to all other political forces, created to change and improve the world by implementing the only authentic democracy, direct democracy.
DirectDemocracyS is based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people, and puts equality and meritocracy into practice continuously over time. It has a politically perfect, unique ideology, in which the positive parts of the old traditional ideologies are taken, eliminating all the negative parts.
The only political force, which is owned by all its members, who all create together, a shared leadership, in which no one decides alone, but everyone decides together, and each person can propose ideas, projects, to be realized all together. Each of our members proposes, manages, controls and votes on all of our activities.
The first, and only political organization, which allows complete control, by our voters / users, over our political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after elections. We will do this through rules and methodologies respected by everyone.
With teams of specialists, composed and managed, by all our members, according to their expertise, every decision we make will be fully informed, both on the possibilities that exist, and on the consequences foreseen, for each decision. In this way, we will always choose in the best way.
We have presentation pages and groups on the main social networks, but we carry out all our activities only on our website, to always be free, independent, protected, and to work in an orderly manner.
Our website is fast, safe, without invasive advertising, and with a public area, with lots of information, visible to everyone (just go down), without any registration. Our website is in English, but we have a translation module, which translates every part into English, into over 120 languages, just choose your favorite language, instead of the default one.
We do not invite anyone to join us, but only to carefully study everything we are doing, with an open mind, without being superficial, and without prejudice. If you like what we are doing, you can join us, and help us make our and your DirectDemocracyS known to as many people as possible.
Thank you!

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Signed by Legalizations DirectDemocracyS
Signed On: July 2, 2024

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Document name: I love DirectDemocracyS
lock iconUnique Document ID: 6da5c44122d2882889a348a15b672d60c59efa22
Timestamp Audit
July 1, 2024 1:40 pm BSTI love DirectDemocracyS Uploaded by Legalizations DirectDemocracyS - legalizations_support@directdemocracys.org IP