I love DirectDemocracyS

DirectDemocracyS, is a political organization, born to change, and to improve the world.

It is, and will forever remain, the best political force in the entire history of humanity.

For all of us, the value of freedom is fundamental.

We always put into practice the only authentic democracy, the direct one.

Each of our users / voters has complete, continuous management and control over their political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections.

Each of our members, is the owner, together with all the others, of the entire political organization, and of our website, and according to our rules, and our methodologies, has every right / duty: to propose, discuss, create, modify, decide, vote, implement, and control, all our activities.

We have a leadership, completely shared, and we decide everything important, all together.

We have various types of users, based on our needs, to prevent any improper use, and for personal purposes, of the enormous power, that our organization will have.

DirectDemocracyS, has rules and methodologies, based on logic, common sense, truth, and mutual respect, of all people, which are respected by anyone who joins us.

It guarantees, to anyone who joins us, registering, and creating a personal profile, continuously over time, and always united, equality and meritocracy.

It is based on values, ideals, and principles, which are non-negotiable, such as: honesty, competence, education, culture, sincerity, loyalty, courage, determination, intelligence, neutrality, independence, science, research, technology, study, and everything useful.

Each of our users / voters will be welcomed into our immense family, always allowing first, those most useful, deserving, and compatible with our rules. They must have our same values, ideals, and principles, and must be completely incorruptible, and not subject to blackmail.

It is innovative, and alternative, to all other political forces. It will never make electoral agreements, alliances, and will never be part of coalitions, if we have the majority, alone, we will govern and make laws useful for all, otherwise, we will make a healthy, loyal, honest, and useful for all opposition.

He has a politically perfect ideal, which takes every little positive part, eliminating every negative part, of all the ideologies of the past.

It is the only political force that unites people, and does not divide them, like all the others do.

We are and will always remain united in our diversity.

It has created, and is developing, its own system, of a social, economic, and financial nature, innovative and alternative to the current one, with infinite activities, in projects of all kinds.

All our activities, are carried out in various phases, which always begin, at the international, continental, national, and local levels. There will be our political organizations, and our entire system, always starting, at the largest geographical and territorial area, which creates the smallest, down to the neighborhood, or, the street block, in every city.

We will make all our decisions, in an informed manner, in a comprehensive manner, by our expert groups, composed of all our members, free, independent, and incorruptible, who will offer every possible explanation, and every alternative, and explain the consequences, of every possible decision of ours. In this way, we will be infallible.

Information and useful links.

Every single word, of every previous sentence, is explained, in informative articles, and posts on our Blogs, do not be superficial, do not make hasty judgments, without first having carefully studied, with an open mind, all our public information, on our official website.

You can find DirectDemocracyS, on our official website, and by searching our name, on the main social networks, and on real search engines.

Our website is in English, but thanks to the translation module, you can translate it into your preferred language, just click on “-English-“, and in the drop-down menu that opens, you will have to choose and click your preferred language.

This brief presentation, lets you know, in brief, our political organization. To communicate directly with us, according to your needs, you can go directly to our website dedicated entirely to contact forms.


You are lucky enough to be among the first people in the world to learn about our innovation, which has nothing in common with old traditional politics, so our invitation is to start studying DirectDemocracyS right away, and if you like it, you can join us and help us make it known to as many people as possible.

Our website is safe, easy to use, and you don't have to register to use it, just scroll down a little and you will find all the information you need, or you can open our main menu and search for answers to all your questions.

We are waiting for you.


We have enormous potential, and we will do a great job, all together!

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Signed by Legalizations DirectDemocracyS
Signed On: December 9, 2024

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Document name: I love DirectDemocracyS
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Timestamp Audit
July 1, 2024 1:40 pm GMTI love DirectDemocracyS Uploaded by Legalizations DirectDemocracyS - legalizations_support@directdemocracys.org IP